Accident or Surgery Recovery Home Care Jeffersonville
Accident or Surgery Recovery Home Care Services by professionals who specialize in Recovery care are available 24-hours a day throughout Jeffersonville, IN to provide Recovery care in the comfort of home. If you or a loved one requires Recovery Homecare in Jeffersonville, call (812) 572-4428 for your Free Recovery home care consultation.
Did you know?The first 24 hours after surgery are a crucial window of time for the healing process.
How we can help after surgery or an accident?
Having a caretaker around can be essential to recovery after an accident or surgery. Oftentimes, doctors discharge patients from hospitals with the recommendation that they obtain assisted care at home. A Certified Nursing Assistant or Home Health Aide can help ease the transition from surgery to recovery. Whether assistance is required around-the-clock or just a few hours of the day, CNA’s and HHA’s can make sure your loved one is comfortable and at ease. Caregivers can be there to ensure that you or your loved one heals as quickly as possible.
Recovery Care examples can include, but are not limited to:
- Colonoscopy
- Oral Surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Hysterectomy
- Herniated Disc
- Prostate Surgery
- Joint Replacement
- Endocrine Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Ophthalmic Surgery
- Mastectomy and Biopsies
- Gall Bladder Removal
- Oncology and Chemotherapy
- Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
- Cardiovascular Procedure
Have questions?
We are here to Help! Call (812) 572-4428
for a Free home care consultation or complete our home care request form to be contacted by a home care specialist.